of Karasea

of Karasea Samoyède


1- Plan du Site

2- Accueil

2.1- Présentation

2.2- Standard

2.3- Abandon

2.4- Choisir un nom

3- Chiens

3.1- mâle

3.1.1- CH. lapaazora Chester silver frost

3.1.2- CH. Oh my god i'm alive thor of Karasea

3.1.3- CH. Palm beach pumba of Karasea

3.1.4- Star wars han solo of Karasea

3.1.5- CH. Tendency dogs todd of Karasea

3.2- femele

3.2.1- Paradise valley pikachu of Karasea

3.2.2- CH. Pleasure with polly pocket of Karasea

3.2.3- Reborn d'Héracléopolis

3.2.4- Rhapsody in white kheops of Karasea

3.2.5- Romantic night minnie of Karasea

3.2.6- CH. Secret dream shannon of Karasea

3.2.7- Silver frost snowflake of Karasea

3.2.8- Swakara sweety Tweed Lenissei

3.2.9- Lapaazora Ulanny

3.2.10- Vintage world vanouk of Karasea

3.3- Retraité

3.3.1- Home sweet home for happy of Karasea

3.3.2- CH. Just my king of Karasea

3.3.3- Legend and mistery banshee of Karasea

3.3.4- Like a dream byron of Karasea

3.3.5- Love in the air lorelei of Karasea

3.3.6- New jersey natty of Karasea

3.3.7- Niklta karasea Des Princes De La Toundra

3.3.8- No comment give money nora of Karasea

3.3.9- CH. Oh my god i'm alive demone of Karasea

3.3.10- Kjeborg's Rising star

3.4- En Mémoire

3.4.1- CH. Folle de toi shirley of Karasea

3.4.2- Gabanna dolce kenzo of Karasea

3.4.3- Hocus pocus adorable smile

4- Chiots

5- Actualités

5.1- Les dernières actualités

5.1.1- actualités 2024

6- Photos et Vidéos

6.1- Galeries Photos


7- Liens

8- Livre d'or

9- Contact